20 Unknown Facts That Might Save Your Life One Day Life saving tips
Have you ever woken up with the thought thattoday you'll face a life-threatening situation? Yeah me neither. I bet most people don’t even think aboutbeing in danger. But you know, you can't predict when or whereyour life might be at risk - and it might happen when no one’s around to save theday. In this case, you'll have to become your ownhero, so learning some basic safety and survival tricks is absolutely crucial.
20 Unknown Facts That Might Save Your Life One Day Life saving tips
1. Never use bleach and cleaning products thatcontain ammonia at the same time and in the same room.
Their vapors will mix in the air and createa toxic gas called chloramine. It can seriously harm your health, leadingto problems with breathing. Keep in mind that ammonia is a common ingredientin window cleaning products.
2. The smell of urine or fish at home, for noapparent reason, should set off alarm bells in your head.
It’s not that you have an incontinent fish. It means that the electrical wiring mightbe melting, which can lead to a fire, or even an explosion! Cut off the electricity until you figure outwhat's happening.
3. Try not to leave a pan or a deep-fryer unsupervised.
But if you did, and your cooking oil caughtfire, do NOT attempt to extinguish this fire with water – it’ll only make the flamesshoot higher! Instead, immediately turn off the heat andcover the pan with a damp cloth or a lid. It’ll starve the fire of oxygen, puttingit out. Alternatively, if a fire is still small and,therefore, manageable, dump a handful of baking soda or salt on it – it’ll smother theflames. A kitchen fire extinguisher can also be handyhere.
4. If your car conks out in the middle of a railroadtrack, and a train is approaching, abandon the vehicle as fast as you can.
After that, run away from the track, but towardthe upcoming train. If you choose the same direction as the trainis moving, you'll find yourself in the path of your late car’s debris, and you’llhave to duck under the flying big pieces.
5. The most common heat stroke symptoms are nauseaand dizziness.
But how can you be sure it's a heat strokeif these symptoms are common for so many other issues? Well, eat something sweet, like a lump ofsugar or candy. If the treat tastes disgusting, immediatelyseek medical help - you're having a heat stroke!
6. Imagine your car got stuck far away from civilization,and you don't have a phone or radio to call for help.
In this case, a simple spare tire can saveyour life. While burning, it will produce thick blacksmoke visible from miles away, and chances are, somebody will notice your SOS signal. But remember this: never ever wander far awayfrom your car. All too often, rescuers find undamaged desertedvehicles, while the drivers who’ve left them in search of help, don't survive.
20 Unknown Facts That Might Save Your Life One Day Life saving tips
7. You've probably heard that lightning doesn'thit in the same place twice.
Well guess what, it's just a misconception. The probability of a second strike is prettyhigh; that's why you should stay away from a spot hit by lighting. The safest option is to lie down in some hollowin the ground, since lightning tends to hit higher grounds. Get rid of all metal objects and your mobilephone. Three to four seconds before lightning strikes,you'll feel a metallic taste in your mouth, and your hair will stand on end. Immediately sit down, bring your heels together,and place your hands on your knees.
8. If you suspect that some object might be electrified,but you have to check it, touch it with the back of your hand.
This way, if your suspicions are correct,you'll get a charge out of it, and you’ll be able to snatch your hand back. But if you touch this object with your palm,the electric charge will make your hand form a tight fist, and you won't be able to drawback.
9. You can make a fatal mistake if you followthe popular misconception of trying to suck the venom out of a snake bite.
The same goes for applying bandages and somethingcold on the wound, or burning it. What you have to do is to give the victiman antihistamine, make them drink a lot, and take them to a hospital right away! Never touch the area around the wound; otherwise,the venom will spread way faster.
10. If you're calling an emergency service, firstof all, give them your address.
Only after that should you explain the reasonfor your call. In this case, even if something (or somebody)forces you to end the conversation, the operator will already know where to send help.
11. If you get disoriented after diving and can'tfigure out which way you should swim to get back to the surface, exhale.
The bubbles will start to rise, and all you'llhave to do is to follow them.
12. Any scratch or bite received from a wild animalcan lead to rabies.
Within 10-15 minutes after the accident, youshould thoroughly wash the wound and rush to a hospital. Every next hour lowers your chances of survival. Rabies is a fatal viral disease which is nextto impossible to cure if too much time passes after you’ve come into contact with an infectedanimal.
13. If you're crossing the road and see a brightsun reflection on the windshield of the oncoming car, chances are the driver won't see you.
Let them pass, even if, according to the roadrules, you have the right of way.
14. Always plug your nose when you jump into alake or a pond from high up, feet first.
The water could be swarming with dangerousone-celled animals, and the most horrifying among them is something known as the "brain-eatingamoeba." If you don't plug your nose, this amoeba canget into your nasal cavity with a powerful stream of water. From there, it can reach your brain, and,as you may guess from its name, this won't end well. On the other hand, if you simply swallow thisone-celled organism, it won't harm you whatsoever!
15. If you find yourself in a situation whereyou can only get out of your car through the window
, grab the heaviest thing you can find,and aim for the edges of the glass, not the center. The windows are most vulnerable in the corners.
20 Unknown Facts That Might Save Your Life One DayLife saving tips
16. It may sound bizarre, but a bottle of watercan actually start a fire if it stays under direct sunlight long enough.
In this case, the bottle will act as a lens,gathering all the heat in one spot. Never leave bottles lying around in a caron a sunny day, and keep them away from windows at home.
17. If you find yourself face to face with a tornado,and it seems to be hovering over the same area, it's most likely moving toward you.
Choose an upright standing object and focuson it. If the tornado isn't moving to the left orto the right of the object you've picked, it means it's moving either toward you oraway. Don't take any chances: run to the side ofthe monstrosity's path.
18. A metallic taste in your mouth while you'rein a large body of water, or in a swimming pool screams danger.
It means that somewhere around, there’san electrical short circuit. Immediately get out of the water: if you touchthe source of this short circuit, well let’s just say they don’t call it Fryday for nothing.
19. If your car skids, you can regain controlof it by steering in the direction of the skid rather than against it.
On top of that, the risk of flipping yourcar will be lower in this case. But the main thing: never slam on the brakes!
20. Admittedly, the chances that one day you'llfind yourself sinking in quicksand are pretty low.
But if it ever happens: first of all, throwaway all your belongings to make yourself lighter, all the while taking tiny steps backtoward solid ground. However, if you've already sunk waist-deep,carefully lie down face up, as if you were floating on water. It’ll disperse your weight and help youto stay afloat. After that, begin moving toward "the shore,"very slowly and with the help of only your legs. Don’t hurry; this process often takes hours. How about you? Have you ever used any survival tricks toget out of a dangerous situation? Let me know down in the comments! If you learned something new today, then givethis video a like and share it with a friend. But – hey! – don't go checking for incontinentfish just yet! We have over 2,000 cool videos for you tocheck out. All you have to do is pick the left or rightvideo, click on it, and enjoy! Remember: Stay on the Bright Side of life!
Very useful.