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» Aliens May Have Visited Earth But We Haven't Noticed
Aliens May Have Visited Earth But We Haven't Noticed
Hey, you still waiting for a visit from thelittle green men? Sorry, but you might’ve missed that oneby about 10 million years. A new study claims that aliens do exist, andthey’ve already visited our planet! They just haven’t come back in a looongtime… Published in The Astronomical Journal in August2019, the study points out that extraterrestrials could be taking their sweet time getting toour planet. Why? Because they likely rely on the movement ofstar systems since they make crossing the universe easier. You see, stars and planets move around thecenter of our Milky Way, and they pass one another occasionally. And the Milky Way galaxy itself is also rotating! The study argues that aliens could be waitingfor one of those destinations to move closer to them. This could be a reason why they haven’tvisited us. The study itself delves into a theory calledthe Fermi Paradox. It asks, “If alien civilizations do exist,why haven’t we found evidence of them in our galaxy?” The paradox is named after Italian-Americanphysicist Enrico Fermi. Back in 1950, he was having lunch and discussingrecent UFO sightings with his colleagues. When they started talking about how theseUFOs would have to travel faster than the speed of light to get to Earth, Fermi couldonly wonder, “But where is everybody?” That is, if they have this technology, whydon’t we see more of them more often? It doesn’t make sense if there are billionsof stars and planets where intelligent life could’ve evolved to the point of havinginterstellar travel. This Fermi Paradox forced scientists intotwo camps: either no one ever left their planet, or we Earthlings are the only advanced lifeformin the whole galaxy. But this 2019 study sheds new light on thequestion by explaining why they haven’t visited us. Makes sense, but there are plenty of othertheories why aliens seem so uninterested in our little rock. There’s the possibility that the conditionson Earth could be fatal for them. Think about it: signs of microscopic organismshave been found on Mars and other planets and moons. Humans certainly couldn’t live on Mars,but these bacteria could! If aliens have evolved specifically underthe conditions on their home planets, then Earth could be toxic for them. It’d be like you or me going to Venus andtrying to breathe in pure carbon dioxide! Never mind that it’s also so hot there,that we’d melt before we even got a whiff! And they likely know about this. Those fancy saucers they’re flying can probablymeasure the conditions on a planet from afar. They’re purposely not making contact witha planet they wouldn’t survive on. Chances are they’ve come near Earth butdecided to keep moving on. There’s also something like a Zoo Theory. You’d think these super intelligent beingswould have advanced space suits to protect them from harsh planetary conditions. If that were the case, then aliens aren’tinterested in us because they probably see us as primitive beings. They choose not to make contact, much likewe don’t go up to wild animals and try to talk or reason with them. Maybe we haven’t been able to communicatewith aliens simply because we have such different ways of communicating. If they have tried making contact, how wouldwe know? We communicate with radio signals and soundwaves. They might use some other system completelyunimaginable and unintelligible to us. What if this difference makes us invisibleto one another? And, of course, there’s the theory thatthey’ve been among us all this time – they’re just particularly good at hiding. Hmm, you’re not an alien, are you? Ok, just checking… Anyway, can’t talk about aliens withoutmentioning crop circles! These massive and perfectly geometrical figureshave been a source of extraterrestrial speculation all over the world for decades. One of the first incidents occurred in the1960s when an Australian farmer supposedly saw a UFO rise up and fly away from his land. He then discovered the reeds and grass lyingflat in a clockwise pattern. Many believe extraterrestrial beings are toblame and that these images may serve as a way of communication for them or possiblyeven landing sites. But the only evidence so far points to creativehumans with a lot of spare time on their hands. One man even admitted to doing it himselfback in the 90s. If it is E.T.s, then England seems to be theirfavorite spot for drawing weird pictures in the countryside, particularly around Stonehenge. And that brings me to another popular alientheory. Author Erich Von Daniken proposed that Stonehengeserved as a landing site for aliens. Because many of the stones weigh about 25tons, he found it impossible that humans constructed the monument 5,000 years ago. Other ancient sites believed to be built byaliens include Peru’s Sacsayhuaman, the Egyptian Pyramids, and Teotihuacan in Mexico. So far, there’s no way of proving that extraterrestrialsconstructed these mysterious monuments for one reason or another. Ok, so what if humans did come in contactwith aliens? What would they look like? Some experts have suggested that aliens maylook completely different than what we expect. Popular drawings and caricatures show similarfeatures: long limbs, large almond-shaped eyes set on egg-shaped heads, and green orgray bodies. These little green men typically land on Earthaboard a flying saucer. But the chances that they’d look so similarto us (two legs, two eyes, two arms, etc.) are slim. Lifeforms evolve depending on their particularplanetary conditions. So, for example, if the gravity on their homeplanet is quite strong, they’d likely be more horizontal creatures rather than verticallike us. The most bizarre alien theory is called the“panspermia hypothesis.” It turns all the others upside-down and claimsthat we, humans, are the aliens! This is the idea that life did not originateon our planet, but rather on other worlds. How did we get here? Simple: we started as bacteria that were latertransported to Earth by meteorites! Ah, humble microbial beginnings… The Earth does serve as a model when thinkingabout life on other planets. Life exists in extreme conditions on our hometurf. You can find creatures in the deepest oceans,on top of the highest mountains, in the heat of the hottest deserts, and even in the frozensoil of the tundra. That would justify our most recent obsessionwith Mars. It contains water and some of the same conditions- found on Earth. Could the Red Planet be something like EarlyEarth? It’s interesting to think about! A recent poll found that 20% of Americansbelieve aliens have visited our planet. And those numbers might start going up anytime now! In the summer of 2019, US Navy pilots admittedto seeing UFOs. Now, remember that UFO doesn’t necessarilymean there’s a little grey dude in there – it simply means they couldn’t identifywhat this flying object was. But they are strange alright! These UFOs seem to defy all laws of our physicalworld. They’re incredibly fast and can change directionin the blink of an eye. The majority of these events are left withoutexplanation. The most popular states by the number of reportedsightings are Vermont, Montana, New Hampshire, Alaska, Maine, and California. All witnesses describe similar things: brightlights, typically in a V formation, in the night sky. Citizens also describe that same erratic movement,and then they just vanish. Could witnesses in totally different locationsbe seeing the same type of object? Or are they simply describing what’s beenaccepted as UFO behavior without really witnessing anything? Well, the more people that report the samesighting, the more credible it might be. But we still can’t know for sure… Sightings and interest in UFOs have been ona steady decline since 2014. Some of this can be blamed on the developmentof technology. Since people have a whole world of informationright in the palm of their hand, they can stay better informed versus relying on questionablefuzzy videos. Plus, most of us always have our smartphoneon us, so it becomes a legit question when someone claims to have seen a UFO: “Well,why didn’t you take a video of it?” Or maybe people simply don’t care anymore! We’ve all got our noses buried in socialmedia – we probably wouldn’t even notice a UFO right above our heads! Or even an alien right behind this microphone! Is there advanced life beyond our planet,and have they visited us? Let me know what you think down in the comments! If you learned something new today, then givethe video a like and share it with a friend! Here are some other cool videos I think you'llenjoy. Just click to the left or right, and stayon the Bright Side of life!
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